There is a lot things I have learned during this time in History 1120. The biggest thing I have learned is a different way of thinking, during this course we were challenged to go out of our comfort zones and push our limits. In the past I have been taught when writing a history to summarize what had happened in a specific times, but in this class we were told to change the way we think and write, to write our paper about how we think the historians wrote about history. Writing papers this way was a challenge because I have been so conditioned to not write like that it made me start asking different more in depth questions to be able to write in this specific way. This course has also taught me how to read a history paper to be about to write in this specific way. I found that reading history papers is quite a bit different than reading any other type of papers, since you have to analysis them differently. Another thing I have learned during my time in History 1120 is being about to find good sources for researching. I feel like I have improved lot in this particular area. Throughout the semester it had gotten easier to find good sources that were repliable legit sources to use when researching. In conclusion I have learned a lot things in History 1120 that has helped me in other areas of my life.