The Acts of Resistance Black Men and Women Engage Slavery in Upper Canada, 1763-1803 by Afua Cooper is a very well laid out piece of reading material about the slavery in pre confederation Canada. Afua Cooper wrote a short summary on what the paper is about and what its looking at. Cooper nicely lays out a timeline of her research on slavery in Canada and where it started, then leading us into the reasoning behind the resistance of slaves. Cooper did a good job acknowledging protest happening by slaves years before the anti-slave laws were passed. She went into great detail about Chloe Cooley case, asking questions throughout the reading to keep you enthralled to find out. Cooper’s use of quotes I think added to her convincing of her argument and the addition of the dates of the processes of passing the gradual emancipation act on slavery really added to her work. This reading Acts of Resistance was a very informative paper looking at the slavery in canada back before confederation and how all the protests and resistance done helped start a movement to end slavery so many years ago.