The question “How do you do History?”  has come up a lot throughout this course, it is a question that anyone can be stumped by. I asked a lot of people if they can answer the question, and a majority of the answers were answers of confusion because to them the question didn’t make sense or they would simply answer you can not do history, but you can make history. This question is definitely a trick question that makes you think. When we first got presented the question “how to do history?” not one seemed to have a clue how to answer the question, but I think it’s all about how the historian is conveying their take on what happened during a specific event then us analysing that conveyed theory and thinking about how well we think they did on giving us the correct information. Also I think it’s about how well we as the students in the class learn how to research and tell a story from history and finding the strong sources that can back your research up.